Of Pets

Sometimes people ask me if I’ve ever had pets. When I answer that I had a hamster when I was a kid, they usually laugh, and say it doesn’t count. Then when I say we named him Buddy, they are even less impressed with the lack of originality.

So I guess I’ve never really had a pet that counts. But I do have the most adorable pictures ever from when my cousins’ Weimaraner had pups, almost ten years ago:


The Withingtons have pets. Let me introduce you to the main characters. Chester is the patriarch. He’s been around for a while and knows what’s going on. Chuck is about a year and a half old and bursting with energy. Chopper is Chuck’s brother (no white spot on the head) and actually belongs to Glenn, but he comes over during the day while Glenn is working. And then there’s Tiger, the one-eyed cat. He’s old, but still bold. He’s been in a few battles, and evidently has lost some of them.

In clockwise order, starting from top left: Chester, Chuck, Chopper and Tiger.

Then come the livestock. You can’t call yourself a New Zealander unless you own sheep. Well, there is no lack of them here. And just for good measure, there are also cows, pigs and chickens.

There is one particular sheep that merits more storytelling. But I’ll save that for another post. For now, at the risk of not being taken seriously ever again, I’ll leave you with a ridiculous video…

(For those of you in US, the video is blocked on YouTube. Try here.)